Saturday, 1 October 2016

Issues with Filament suppliers

This post talks about the issue with buying poor quality filament!

So with the UP box I have been buying Filament from CPC that is supposed to be approved for the UP printer (has UP on the box). Now this is not to be confused with the filament labelled from Tiertime.

Now I think that if you are supplying plastic filament for 3D printers, you really need to know and understand the issues of supplying quality filament, and also supplying filament that has been stored correctly! I have had maybe 6x reels of yellow filament from CPC, then I went to order some more filament and could only get green - no probs I can handle using Green.

However upon receipt of 6 reels, I had to return two as they had been pierced (letting in oxygen). Now who know how long those reels had been pierced, but it was obvious when opening the box that this had happened as the vacuum seal on the reels had been compromised.

This is what was presented to me when I first opened up two of the reels.

I returned them, and then asked for replacements. 5 days later I had my replacements turn up - only to find that in fact CPC had put the reels I had returned back into stock and then picked that stock back out in order to send back to me. So I received the same reels of filament that I had sent back.

This is what un-opened reels of filament should look like:-

A good vacuum seal - See CPC when it comes to goods return inspection - look this is sealed filament not a loose bag!.

I have been using the replacement filament, and have to say that the quality isn't as good as the filament I have personally used, which is from Rigid Ink. The filament supposedly designed for the UP is not as accurate, and has issues in the UP printer, in as much doesn't sometimes extrude and clogs the extruder up. However the Rigid Ink lives up to its promise to which praises itself on the quality, prints all the time without problems.

The moral of this is that if you want to buy filament for your printer but from a descent supplier that knows what they are doing with filament and knows how it should be treated - CPC is NOT one of them!