Thursday, 12 May 2016

Rigid Ink PMMA and the UP! Box Printer

Well after trying the Rigid Ink ABS, I figured I would give their PMMA filament a try as it extrudes at around the same temperature as ABS specified for the UP! Box Printer (Note that the UP! Box has a fixed pre-programmed setting for ABS, Therefore you have to get the right spec material to match with the fixed temperature setting), Therefore suitable for use with the UP! Box printer.

PMMA is a Plexi Glass (Acrylic)  filament.

So printing out the Marvin robot gives me the following results based on 100 micon layer resolution

Looking at the printout, this is much more clearly defined than the ABS Printout, the Keyring loop comes out nice and clean

With the next print, a cog, just to see how accurate we can go.

Finally a nut and bolt, the thread here is almost perfect, this is exactly how it came off the printer.

All Prints come out really clean and defined, I think the natural translucent material would make a good filament for printing out some designs I have for Orchid pots, as this will allow light to the roots, as well as providing a decorative pot.

Yet again I am amazed at the quality of the filament from Rigid Ink, Absolutely top quality, You can find their filament either directly from Rigid Ink

or you can even buy from Amazon